FMEA and more
In REXS, you can, for example, carry out your risk analyses using Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA). In doing so, you have access to both the 1-stage FMEA as well as the 2-stage FMEA.
In REXS, you can configure the default FMEA table layouts to suit your own requirements.
- When, for example, the layout of your design or process FMEA differs from your qualification and validation FMEA, you can adjust the default FMEA tables in REXS to suit the corresponding FMEA by adding and hiding columns and recording “templates”.
- This method can also be used to carry out additional table-based risk analysis methods with REXS (HACCP, PHA, and others)

REXS offers you the opportunity to carry out your security risk analyses with, for example, the Hazard and Operability Analysis (HAZOP). Preconfigured HAZOP templates, including process parameters and key words, can be recorded
With REXS, you can also carry out safety briefings using a combined form of the FMEA and HAZOP. This perfectly-tuned method was developed by our security experts within the VTU Group and is successfully applied day after day at VTU.
In addition, REXS offers you the possibility to use configurable SIL graphs in your HAZOP.

Ishikawa diagram
In addition to table-based risk analysis methods, REXS also provides you with the graph-based Ishikawa diagram method as an analysis and moderation tool. In REXS, the Ishikawa diagram is automatically generated at the same time as the table-based risk analysis method.
In order to be able to fully carry out risk analysis with this method, the REXS-based Ishikawa diagram has been expanded to include severity. What’s more, the categories of causes can also be configured as desired. For example, users can work with the “5 M’s” - man, machines, material, methods, metrics.